Bakery "Königsbäcker"
In this place, you can have a quick snack or take hot drinks with you. You can also have breakfast or lunch here, as the menu offers a variety of dishes, including soups, porridge, hot dishes, salads, and, of course, an extensive selection of pastries. Among the pastries, you will find the famous "Konigsberg Cranberry Buns", hearty pies, and crispy croissants.
- Kaliningrad, Avtomobilnaya str., 22
- Zitomirskaya str., 6-8
- O. Koshevogo str., 37 а
- Kashtanovaya all.,157
- Krasnooktyabrskaya str., 1-7
- Krasnoselskaya, 85 b
- K. Marksa str., 82
- пpr.Mira, 61-63
- Moskovskiy pr., 40
- Moskovskiy pr.., 231
- Narvskaya str, 112
- A. Nevskogo str., 24-30
- Ozyornaya str, 1а
- Proletaskaya str., 55
- Sovetskiy pr., 234
- Sovetskiy pr, 6а
- Teatralnaya str., 21
- Uralskaya str., 18
- Frunze str., 17-21
- Chernyakhovskogo str., 6А-12А
- Chernyakhovskogo str., 15
- Mira pr-ct, 31
- Guryevsk, Kraynaya str, 1в
- Zelenogradsk, Turgeneva str., 1б
- Zelenogradsk, Okruzhnaya str., 15
- Svetlogorsk, Lenina str., 20
- Baltiysk, Egorova str., 10 а
- Guryevsk, Prazhskiy blvrd, 1z
- Kosmonavta Leonova str., 55
- P. Panina str., 1
- Show on the map
Average bill
09.00-21.00. This may be different in different branches.
+7 (4012) 79 55 88
Official site
European cuisine