Tourist route for 1-2 days in Kaliningrad

Tourist route for 1-2 days in Kaliningrad
Here are 2 routes with BLUE line and VIOLET line.
You can feel the spirit of Koenigsberg of the early XX century by walking through the well-preserved residental areas of the city — Hufen and Amalienau. There are calm streets, an abundance of greenery, elegant mansions, which were made according to individual projects of architects of Koenigsberg.
The most famous architects at that time took an active part in developing the "garden-city": F. Lars, G. Hopp, K. Frick, F. Heitmann, P. Brostowski.
1. Kaliningrad City Administration
Constructed in 1923, the building was a part of the Eastern Fair and then served as a city hall. Today it fulfils similar functions — both the Major's Office and the City Council are situated there. The building was reconstructed in the 1970s beyond recognition.
1, Ploschad Pobedy
2. Kaliningrad State Technical University
The university is situated in the building of the former Koenigsberg's administrative and land court.
1, Sovetskiy Prospekt
3. The Fighting Bisons Sculpture
The sculpture by August Gaul was presented to the city in 1912 and became one of its symbols. Koenigsberg citizens called the bisons Prosecutor and Advocate, as there was a court situated right behind them.
4. Baltic Fleet Headquarters
Behind the monument to Peter the Great ascends the building of the Baltic Fleet Headquarters. It was built during the First World War as a general post office.
2, Ushakova St.
5. Drama Theatre
4, Prospekt Mira
6. Friedrich Schiller Monument
The monument created by S.Cauer in 1910 and takes an important place in the city's history. According to a legend, after the assault of Koenigsberg, an unknown Russian soldier wrote on it: "Do not shoot, he is a proletarian poet", due to the monument remained intact.
Intersection of Prospect Mira and Teatralnaya St.
7. Kaliningrad regional scientific library
The former building of the state provincial archive is a monument of the Bauhaus architectural style. Now it is a Kaliningrad regional scientific library.
9-11, Prospekt Mira
8. Government of the Kaliningrad Region
The former building of the financial management of East Prussia was built in Koenigsberg in 1928 according to the project of architect Friedrich Lars.
1, D. Donskogo St.
9. Zoo
The zoo was founded in 1896. During the battle for Koenigsberg in 1945, the buildings and open cages of the zoo were severely damaged. Only four animals survived: a fallow deer, badger, donkey and a wounded hippopotamus. Thanks to veterinarians' great efforts hippopotamus Gans survived and became the mascot of the Kaliningrad Zoo.
Opening hours: from May to September, 9.00-20.00;
from October to April, 9.00-17.00 (ticket office closes 1 hour before the end of Zoo's workday.).
Tel: +7 (4012) 21-89-14, www.kldzoo.ru
10. Hotel "Moscow"
The building was constructed in Constructivism style for an insurance society before the Second World War during 1935-1936.
19, Prospekt Mira
11. Children Art School
The building used to be the home of Hufen gymnasium's principle.
12. Zarya Cinema
The former Scala Cinema. One of the last buildings constructed in prewar Koenigsberg. Today Zarya Cinema is situated in the building.
41-43, Prospekt Mira
13. Commemorative Token to Townsmen Cosmonauts
The monument was installed in 1980 in honour of Kaliningrad citizens - conquerors of space: Aleksey Leonov, Viktor Patsaev and Yuriy Romanenko.
14. Central Park of Culture and Leisure
Created on the site of Luisenwahl Park, it is one of the most beautiful parks of Koenigsberg. The park contains an amusement ride and monuments to the poet, actor and singer Vladimir Vysotsky and Baron Muenchhausen.
15. Puppet Theatre
The theatre is situated in the former Queen Louise church, built on the boundary of the XIX-XX centuries. la, Prospect Pobedy
16. Museum "Memory keepers"
The museum is located in a building of the 1890s that served as a shelter for Albrecht. The building, restored after the war, was opened as the House of Artists in 1961 and as a museum in 2023.
3, Prospekt Pobedy
17. Kutuzova Street District
The Central street of former Amalienau - was a district of Koenigsberg, where the wealthy citizens lived. Undestroyed German Villas Area.
18. Church of St. Adalbert
The church was built in 1904 in a Neo-Gothic slyle by Friedrich Heitmann for the Catholic community of Koenigsberg. After the Second World War it was partly renovated.
41, Prospekt Pobedy
19. Ludwig Rhesa Monument
A monument to one of the professors of Albertina, the "Lithuanian Lomonosov", which was presented by Lithuania on the 750th anniversary of Koenigsberg-Kaliningrad.
Intersection of Prospect Pobedy and Kashtanovaya Allea St., Lithuanian public garden
You can save your time by using public transport from the bus stop "D.
Donskogo" next to 39, Prospect Pobedy and take bus No. 5 to the bus stop
"Teatralnaya"; buses No. 9, 12, 14, 24, 32, 48 to the bus stop "Dramteatr".
There is 220 m. between the bus stops "Dramteatr" and «Teatralnaya". Then walk along Gardeyskiy prospect 800 m."
20. Astronomical Bastion
The bastion got its unusual name due to its proximity to the Koenigsberg Observatory located on a hill, erected in 1813 by Prussian mathematician and astronomer Friedrich Bessel.
22, Gardeysky Prospect
21. The Heroes of the First World War Monument
The Kaliningrad region is the only territory of Russia where the First World War took place.
Intersection of Gardeyskiy Prospect and Rumyantseva St.
22. Victory Park (Park Pobedy)
Intersection of Gardeyskiy Prospect and Rumyantseva St.
23. St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Kaliningrad branch)
The building originally hosted the Koenigsberg Labour Exchange.
30, Gen. Galitskogo St.
24. The Museum of the World Ocean
The Museum of the World Ocean is the central maritime museum of the Russian Federation dedicated to the history of scientific research and nature of the World Ocean. The historical fleet quay, unique exhibits and the magnificent maritime aquariums attract the attention of visitors.
Opening hours: 10.00 - 18.00 (closed on Monday, Tuesday)
Tel: + / (4012) 55-1/-44
1, Peter the Great Quay
If you want to see the city fortifications of Koenigsberg, to walk around new districts of Kaliningrad, to listen an organ music concert in the Cathedral and to have a cup of coffee in the new Fishing Village complex, we invite you to follow this itinerary.
1. Kaliningrad Business Center
Prior to the Second World War, the building belonged to the Severniy Railroad Station. After the war it became a cross-scheduled sailor's house.
4, Ploschad Pobedy
2. Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
The main cathedral of the region is constructed in the Vladimir-Suzdal architectural style. The capacity of the cathedral is about 3 000 people.
The height of the building, including the cross, is 73 metres.
2, Ploschad Pobedy
3. Victory Square (Ploschad Pobedy)
Its former name is Hansaplatz. On the occasion of the 750th anniversary of Koenigsberg-Kaliningrad, a triumphal column was constructed in the center of the square.
4. Upper Pond (Verkhny prud)
Formerly Oberteich. It was built by the Teutonic Knights as a permanent fishing area at the end of the XIII century.
5. Dohna Tower
It is part of fortifications forming the Second Defensive Belt of Koenigsberg. Dohna Tower is a "twin brother" of Wrangel Tower. In the 1970s the Amber Museum was established in the Tower. This museum gives a rare opportunity to have a look at the planning and the internal construction of the tower.
Opening hours: from May to September, 10.00-19.00 (daily); from October to April, 10.00-18.00 (closed on Monday, ticket office - open until 17.30)
Tel: +7 (4012) 46-68-88, +7 (4012) 46-65-50, www.ambermuseum.ru
1, Ploschad Marshala Vasilevskogo
6. Rossgarten Gate
The Rossgarten Gate was built in 1852-1855 and along with the King s
Gate claims the title of the city's most beautiful gate.
The facade combines the power of fortification with the gentle lightness of Gothic churches. Medallions of Prussian generals Gerhard von Scharnhorst and August Neidhardt von Gneisenau are well preserved above the main arch. The fish restaurant "Solnechniy Kamen" ("Sun Stone") is situated inside the gate now.
3, Ploschad Marshala Vasilevskogo
7. Oberteich Bastion
Only the reduit, half-caponier, casemate of the reduit and traverse are preserved to present day. Today they are used as warehouses and shops.
5, Litovskiy Val St.
8. Kronprinz Defensive Barracks
Eme a arly powertul fort, Before the irst Word War the buding wathat
surrounded by a moat and the garrison of the barracks, which could conduct independent combat operations from both sides - outside and inside the fortress.
38, Litovskiy Val St.
9. Grolmann Bastion
It was built in 1851 and named after Prussian army reformer General Karl Wilhelm von Grolmann, who proved himself valiantly in the war against Napoleon. The fortification is shaped like a huge horseshoe, its convex side facing to an enemy. There are earthen ramparts with hidden passages on the right and left sides of the bastion. The bastion was badly damaged during the Second World War.
21, Litovskiy Val St.
10. King's Gate
Most people consider the King's Gate to be the most beautiful gate in the city. The facade facing the city center is decorated with the sculptures of Ottokar II, Friedrich 1 and Duke Albrecht. Badly damaged during the Second World War, in 2005 the gate was restored for the city's anniversary. It houses a branch of the Museum of the World Ocean - the Grand Embassy Historical and Cultural Center, dedicated to the famous diplomatic mission of Peter the Great.
Opening hours: 11.00-19.00 (closed on Monday, Tuesday) on Thursday
12.00-20.00 (ticket office - open until 18.30).
Tel: +7 (4012) 58-12-72
112, Frunze St.
11. Sackheim Gate
This is one of the seven saved city gates. The current building of the Sackheim Gate was built in the middle of the XIX century. Nowadays there is the "Art Platform Vorota" ("Art Center Gate") was created inside the Sackheim Gate, and contemporary art exhibitions, film festivals, master classes, lectures, conferences are held there.
61, Litovskiy Val St. &
We suggest that you use public transport from Sackheim Gate to get to the Memorial to Baltic Navy men by buses No. 40, 49, trolley buses No. 2, 7 or minibus No. 75 (Bus stop "Universam Moskovskiy")
12. Memorial to Baltic Navy men
Established in 1974.
Intersection of October Street and Moscovskiy prospect
13. Fishing Village (Rybnaya Derevnya)
Fishing Village is an ethnographic craftwork center was built by the 750th anniversary of Koenigsberg-Kaliningrad in various architectural styles of the old city (romanticism, classicism, baroque, fachwerk). Today there are hotels, restaurants, cafes, quays and a viewing point on the lighthouse.
2-12, Oktyabrskaya St.
14. Immanuel Kant's Tomb
One of the greatest philosophers, Immanuel Kant was born, lived and died in Koenigsberg. He studied at the Koenigsberg University, subsequently becoming its professor. During the Second World War the Kant's Tomb miraculously remained intact. The Portico designed by architect F. Lars was installed in 1924.
1, Kant St., Kant's Island
15. The Koenigsberg Cathedral
The Koenigsberg Cathedral was built in the XIV century in the North German Gothic style. Today, it houses Orthodox and Protestant chapels, and museum expositions dedicated to the history of the region and an organ hall.
Opening hours: 10.00-18.00 (dally), (ticket office — open until 17.50)
Tel: +7 (4012) 52-40-30 www.sobor-kaliningrad.ru
1, Kant St., Kant's Island
16. Albrecht of Brandenburg Monument
Albrecht was the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order and the first Duke of Prussia. In 1525 he created the first Protestant State in Europe and founded Koenigsberg University in 1544, which was named Albertina after him. The old university building was situated at the place where the monument to Albrecht stands today.
Kant's Island
17. Sculpture Park
Park and open-air museum in Kaliningrad, located in the western part of the island of Kant. It was founded in 1984.
Kant's Island
18. Kaliningrad Museum of Fine Arts
The Art Gallery's collection mostly consists of works of Russian and foreign artists of the second half of the XX century. The most significant project of the gallery is an unique collection of contemporary graphic art of Baltic region countries, compiled after hosting the International Biennale of Easel Graphic Works.
Opening hours: 10.00-19.00 (closed on Monday), Thursday: 10.00-21.00
Tel: + 7 (4012) 46-71-43, 46-71-31. www.kaliningradartmuseum.ru
83, Leninskiy Prospekt
19. Ruins of the Royal Castle
The castle was founded in 1255 by the Czech King Przemysl II Ottokar, who was making a crusade in the lands of the Prussians. The castle was badly damaged during the bombing of the Second World War, and in 1968-1969 its ruins were blown up and dismantled.
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Souvenirs from Kaliningrad
Which souvenirs to bring from Kaliningrad? Amber, books, fish or homlins.
History of Kaliningrad region
From Konigsberg to Kaliningrad great story of territory from Teutonic knights to nowadays.
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