History of Kaliningrad region

History of Kaliningrad region
History of Kaliningrad region

History of Kaliningrad region

The history of this land is interesting and diverse.
 It is believed that Koenigsberg was found on September 1, 1255, when knights of the Teutonic Order founded a fortress on the site of the Prussian Twangste settlement. The fortress was named after Ottokar II of Bohemia, a Czech king who took part in the Teutonic conquests. From German, the name translates as King's Mountain.

Koenig gates in Kaliningrad

High reliefs of Ottokar II, Duke Albrecht and Friedrich I on the Royal Gate

Koenigsberg is the name of a castle, while it was in 1724 that three medieval towns of Altstadt, Kneiphof, and Lebenicht united into one city. Probably the most eminent native of this land, philosopher Immanuel Kant, was born same year.

Kant's tomb in Kaliningrad

Kant's tomb

In 1756, the Seven Years' War began and in 1757 was joined by the Russian Empire, which took part in the battles on the territory of East Prussia. Since January 11, 1758, Koenigsberg and its region belongs to Russia. Its residents swore allegiance to Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. However, already in 1762, upon conclusion of peace, Prussia was returned to the German crown.

Koenigsberg has seen difficult times associated with multiple various military actions. In 1806-1807, battles between Russian and Napoleonic troops took place on its territory. Remarkable events included the battles of Preussisch Eylau (currently Bagrationovsk) and Friedland (Pravdinsk).

A monument dedicated to the First World War

Monument "In Memory of the forgotten war that changed the course of history" location Gusev

Koenigsberg was also involved in the First World War, based on the results of which Germany had to pass a vast section of the coast to Poland, as a result of which Poland obtained access to the Baltic Sea. Eastern lands of Prussia were cut off from the main territory of Pomerania and became a large enclave similarly to modern Kaliningrad.

The Second World War was fateful for East Prussia. In 1944-1945, fierce battles between the Soviet and the German armies took place here, which resulted in the capitulation on April 9, 1945. Thus, a third of Eastern Prussia ended up in the possession of the USSR. The decision was made at the Potsdam Conference.

Bunker Museum

Museum "Bunker"

On July 4, 1946, the region was renamed as the Kaliningrad Region, and its administrative center got the name of Kaliningrad. Since August 1946 it has been actively populated by the USSR citizens arriving from 27 regions of Russia and other Soviet republics.

The first museum that is now the Historical and Art Museum started to gather its collections being the peer of the region. Immediately after the end of the war, first soviet sanatoriums in Svetlogorsk (former Rauschen) started to receive vacationers at the seashore. In 1948, the Kaliningrad Amber Factory was launched, that is the largest amber production and processing enterprise in the world till present. The history of marine fishing is a separate story. In 1948, the first commercial herring expedition set out for the North Atlantic. The Kaliningrad whaling fleet achieved great success. The program of economic restoration of the region made it possible to gradually arrange infrastructure of the city. Bridges and main railway lines, as well as the Southern railway station were restored.

Drama theatre

Drama theatre. Kaliningrad

Many buildings destroyed during the war were recovered and currently host the Drama Theater and the Museum of Fine Arts. The first universities were opened: these are today's Baltic Federal University and the Kaliningrad Technical University. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the region became an enclave, but retained its geopolitical importance.

Since 1991, the Kaliningrad Region is open for cooperation with foreign countries. Vast work is being carried out to restore churches and castle ruins. In 2008, an organ once again sounded in the restored Cathedral on Immanuel Kant Island. Until present, concerts of the largest organ complex in Russia gather huge audiences!



World Cup qualifying matches in 2018 became an important event for the entire Kaliningrad Region. For this, Rostech Arena stadium and hotels were built, and urban infrastructure was improved. During the World Cup, Kaliningrad was visited by more than 130,000 fans.

Today, the Kaliningrad Region is among the most comfortable regions for living. It is also one of the most popular destinations among tourists. Special attention in the region is paid to the development of agriculture, local production facilities, hi-tech, tourism, as well as park and garden improvement. It is not only Kaliningrad and coastal towns that attract tourists and locals, as the towns of Chernyakhovsk, Gusev, and Zheleznodorozhny also develop actively. Two national parks indicate the care for nature and its preservation within the region.

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