Foreign citizens must register for migration purposes within 3 business days from the moment of entry to the Russian Federation. Without such registration, foreign citizens are allowed to stay in Russia up to 7 business days. The hosting party ensures formalization of the registration for migration purposes.
The hosting party can be either Russian citizens or foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation (having residence permit), as well as legal entities, their branches and representative offices, at which the foreign citizen actually resides (stays) or works.
If you arrive to Kaliningrad under tourist visa, you must register in your hotel or other place of accommodation.
Hotels are obliged to register foreigners at the time of check-in for the prepaid number of days.
If your visa has different purpose, e.g., guest visa, then the hosting party may ensure your registration independently, for example, at a post office.
Following documents must be provided for the purpose of registration:
- Passport of the citizen with visa
- Migration card provided upon crossing of the border
Please note that the duration of foreign citizen temporary stay in the Russian Federation is defined by the validity term of their visa.
Violation of the rules of migration registration may result in administrative liability of the foreign citizen in form of a fine in the amount of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles, and in some cases deportation outside of the Russian Federation. Besides, it is possible that the entrance to the Russian Federation will be prohibited for the foreign citizen subjected to administrative deportation for the period of up to five years.
Further information on the rules of foreign citizen migration registration is available at the Directorate of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Kaliningrad Region: +7 (4012) 55-81-54, 55-81-50
The hosting party can be either Russian citizens or foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation (having residence permit), as well as legal entities, their branches and representative offices, at which the foreign citizen actually resides (stays) or works.
If you arrive to Kaliningrad under tourist visa, you must register in your hotel or other place of accommodation.
Hotels are obliged to register foreigners at the time of check-in for the prepaid number of days.
If your visa has different purpose, e.g., guest visa, then the hosting party may ensure your registration independently, for example, at a post office.
Following documents must be provided for the purpose of registration:
- Passport of the citizen with visa
- Migration card provided upon crossing of the border
Please note that the duration of foreign citizen temporary stay in the Russian Federation is defined by the validity term of their visa.
Violation of the rules of migration registration may result in administrative liability of the foreign citizen in form of a fine in the amount of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles, and in some cases deportation outside of the Russian Federation. Besides, it is possible that the entrance to the Russian Federation will be prohibited for the foreign citizen subjected to administrative deportation for the period of up to five years.
Further information on the rules of foreign citizen migration registration is available at the Directorate of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Kaliningrad Region: +7 (4012) 55-81-54, 55-81-50