Kaliningrad Regional Museum of History and Art
Kaliningrad Regional Museum of History and Art is the same age as the region.
He began collecting funds in 1946, and today its collection is the largest museum collection in the region. It stores natural science, archaeological, historical and artistic collections. Altogether, there are about 140 thousand items. The museum is located in the restored building Stadthalle, a monument of architecture of the early 20th century. Its exposition gives an idea of the history and natural resources of the region, tells about the course of military operations in this territory during the Great Patriotic War and the formation of the young Kaliningrad region. Every year there are more than 50 exhibitions of various subjects, including major international projects.
“Konigsberg-45. The final assault. "
Three-dimensional historical and art panorama
As in the photo, only closer - visitors will see the city at the moment, "snatched" from the past. The roar of guns, the sounds of shooting, fire ... one of the four decisive April days of 1945.
This is not just an exhibition hall - passing through the ruins, you find yourself on one of the streets of Konigsberg. Now you need to go along the broken paving stones, making your way along the barricades, destroyed houses, through the interiors of an old cafe, past abandoned military equipment, fighting fighters of the Wehrmacht and the Red Army.
Participants of the battle will tell about the assault on the capital of East Prussia. Sculptures of three-dimensional panoramas are both collective images and heroes of those events.
The project was implemented with the support of the Government of the Kaliningrad Region.
The branches of Museum are the Bunker Museum, Fort #5 and Museum of Kristionas Donelajtis.